
Fall 2019

New CDs and new Reviews
Birgitta is guest saxophonist and guest composer for Cajsa Zerhouni’s and Antje Rößeler’s new CDs.

Cajsa Zerhouni “Estuary” (Do Music)
Cajsa Zerhouni
Swedish magazine Lira about “Estuary”

Antje Rößeler Stockholm Trio (WismART)
Antje Rößeler

Additionally, you can find a new review by Roger Bergner in the current print issue of Swedish “Orkesterjournalen” about Color Studies, the Birgitta Flick quartet’s latest CD and “Malita-Malika”, the duo album with Carol Liebowitz!

New composition project: LYSSNA
Soon there will be more information about Birgitta’s current composition project for choir and a chamber ensemble in Stockholm, as part of her composition master studies at KMH.

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