Klangkörper is a new composition project, supported by a scholarship by German Musikfonds. Based on the improvisational work with Glädje Lab, a newly founded interdisciplinary improvisation lab, I work on writing a choir piece and want to transform the improvisation experiences into something new for another setting. Inspired by the lab’s artistic work with the topic of distance and the reinhabiting of space, I research from the composer’s point of view how musical closeness can develop and choir singing become possible in the times of the pandemic. The choir turns literally into a Klangkörper that tides over the distances through the composition.

Glädje Lab started in 2020 from the encounter of 4 artists that never worked together before, facing the challenge of building a safe place to inhabit in risky times.
Currently our focus lies on how to perceive and organize space, based on the new Corona regulations in Berlin. We ask ourselves how to design new choreographies and frequencies of coexistence for our bodies, working with both movement and sound and being interested in their relation and common expression.
Artists: Oktavia Zoë Voehringer, Cecilia Gil Marino, Lucia Rosso, Birgitta Flick

The project is hosted by “Cordillera – Raum für Körper und Utopien”, founded by Oktavia Zoë Vöhringer and Silvia Ospina in Berlin Oberschöneweide.
More information on current activities and performances are to come.