Posts in Category: Allgemein

Winter 2024/25

Re-discovering Mancinus
A new choral composition project for Tage der alten Musik Schwerin 2025 has begun! Birgitta composes new music for and with the Schweriner Vocalensemble and the Jugendkammerchor of Schwerin’s Goethe-Gymnasium with a fragment by 16th century composer Thomas Mancinus as a starting point for creating.
More information coming soon!

NEW SINGLE by Birgitta Flick & Antje Rößeler: Adventurous Groove
Since November 28, the jointly composed piece Adventurous Groove from Birgitta’s and Antje’s new album Sending a Phoenix can be streamed on all platforms, together with the already streamable songs Gespenster and Sending a Phoenix! Find the whole album and a press overview HERE! Or look for it in your local record store!

Fall 2024

OHNEGLEICHEN — new program for children between 1-4 by alter ego

alter ego, the duo of Annekatrin and Birgitta Flick from Linz and Berlin, offers a new interactive concert program for young children between 1-4 that can be booked for 2025!

For concert organizers in Lower Austria: the program is part of the musik aktuell 2025 support by Musikfabrik.

More information:
alter ego
Annekatrin Flick

Summer 2024

New quartet video
HERE you can find the new Birgitta Flick Quartet video by BERTA.BERLIN on June 4, 2024 at studioboerne in Berlin!

“Sending a Phoenix”: new single released on June 20, 2024!
Besides that you can get the new album of Antje Rößeler and Birgitta Flick at any local record store or order it online at wismART or any reseller, you can now stream the album’s title track, Antje’s composition Sending a Phoenix! Find it e.g. here on Spotify!

New reviews:
Ulrich Habersetzer from Bayrischer Rundfunk about the album:
“Antje Rößeler und Birgitta Flick sind Meisterinnen der Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe. Auf ihrem Album ‘Sending a Phoenix’ werden Töne, Stimmungen, Melodie und Harmonien auf eine wunderbar offene und herrlich klangsinnliche Art ausgetauscht. Die Saxophonistin Jahrgang 1985 aus Filderstadt, in Berlin lebend, hat die besondere Gabe, frei, sperrig und expressiv spielen zu können, dabei aber die Melodien nicht zu vergessen und besonders ihren herausragenden Sound glänzen zu lassen.”
Follow these links to whole review and more press!

Summer concerts
Check all summer concerts here! Birgitta looks very much forward to meeting her twin sister Annekatrin Flick vom Linz to improvise with music from J.S. Bach, Lina Nyberg from Stockholm and James Banner from Berlin to improvise with music from Dalarna in Sweden and for the first time Josh Sinton (New York City), Joel Grip and Michael Griener (Berlin) to improvise with Josh’s new compositions — and many more!

Spring 2024

Sending a Phoenix
“Sending a Phoenix”, Birgitta Flick’s and Antje Rößeler’s new duo album was released on April 5, 2024 on wismART, both as CD and as a download book! The download book is a booklet with an included download link to high quality audio recordings.

You can get a copy of the CD or the download book in any local or online record store or download the music via Bandcamp here! One by one, most of the songs will also be streamed on all usual platforms (so far, Gespenster is online!), but note that some of the tracks are bonus tracks that you receive only through downloading or through the actual CD!

Composition project and CD production funded by Musikfonds e.V. by means of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.

New choir music!
During the past months, Birgitta has tested more new approaches to creative processes and composition methods, resulting in two new choir pieces that she composed with new exciting collaboration partners:

Together with conductor Lone Larsen & VoNo from Stockholm, she has put music to Zsuzsanna Ardó‘s poem PlanetWoman, as part of Zsuzsanna Ardó’s project PlanetWoman.
Premiere: April 19, 2024 at Folkoperan, Stockholm during the URUK fest by Uruppförandeklubben!
Tickets: Folkoperan
More information about the piece and the project to come!

During the fall of 2024, the piece The Enchanted Forest came into being that she composed based on improvisations and a collaboration with choir Musa Horti and conductor Peter Dejans from Leuven!
Premiere: February 1, 2024, Grimde, Sint-Pieter en Pauluskerk (BE).
A recording of the performance is to come!

Winter 2023/24

NEW MUSIC // Gespenster by Birgitta Flick & Antje Rößeler
The first single from Antje Rößeler’s and Birgitta Flick’s new album “Sending a Phoenix” appeared on February 21, 2024 on wismART and is available for streaming on all streaming platforms such as here. The whole album will be released on April 5, 2024! Between February 21-24 Antje and Birgitta play concerts in Stockholm and Göteborg as a duo and with Mauritz Agnas & Sebastian Voegler and Max Thornberg & Emil Brandqvist — find the dates here!

An overview over all of Birgitta’s releases you can see here — and every now and then there will from now on also be updates again in her soundcloud library where you now can listen to her electroacoustic piece “Circular Composition III”.

Summer/Fall 2023

PROBERAUM: new interdisciplinary composition project
In July 2023, the collaborative composition project Proberaum with Milana Novčić, Nina Perovic, Thomas van Walle and Birgitta Flick started to work and developed the audiovisual performance “Reconnecting (with) Traces”, premiered on November 9, 2023, Moderna Galerija, Muzeji i galerije Podgorice. Project and performance supported by: Kulturno informativni centar “Budo Tomović”, PAM Montenegro, Sekretarijat za kulturu i sport Glavnog grada.

New releases
OUT SOON: Antje Rößeler & Birgitta Flick: Sending a Phoenix
The music from their joint composition project was recorded together with already existing repertoire in April 2023 by Guy Sternberg and will appear on WismART in January 2024! Composition project/recording made possible through German Musikfonds/Neustart Kultur.
New album by Nico Lohmann Quintett on AJazz, available digitally on AJazz or any physical shop close to you!
Agustin Strizzi 5t EP: Vol 2 available digitally here!

Spring 2023

Collaborative composition project and album recording with pianist Antje Rößeler
Supported by a grant by German Musikfonds, Antje Rößeler and Birgitta Flick have explored and experimented with various ways of composing together and composing for each other between February and April 2023. A recording day with Guy Sternberg at Hansa Studios in Berlin concluded the project and will lead to a new duo album, more information about that and concerts with the new music in 2024 are to come! Until then, you can listen here to earlier recordings of Antje and Birgitta.

Birgitta has presented a part of her artistic doctoral research project through a performance at this year’s European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM) in Copenhagen on March 30. Here you can read more about her performance.

Winter 2022/23

New quartet video
The short trailer video to the Birgitta Flick Quartet’s current album Miniatures & Fragments is released, recorded live at Donau115 in June 2022 by Marcus Rust!

Fall/Winter 2022

New York City between Nov 30-Dec 11, 2022
Birgitta is back in New York City in the framework of her artistic doctoral research project Refiguring Composition at mdw, Vienna! Find all performance dates in the calendar – and get in touch if you are interested in musical exchange!
With financial support of the Goethe-Institut.

Summer 2022 #2

Birgitta’s choir composition (SSA) has been published as one of six chosen works in the #swedishchoralmusic 2022 series by Swedish publisher Gehrmans! The piece even has a version for full choir (SSATB) + alto saxophone which has been premiered by saxophonist Claudia Meures and Berlin’s Staatsoper youth choir under direction of Konstanze Löwe in May 2022. In the following video you can listen to som excerpts of the a capella original (also with the Staatsoper youth choir) and get to know more about the music (video in Swedish, English subtitles).

Summer 2022 #1

Miniatures & Fragment
…appears on June 24th on Double Moon Records/Challenge Records International! Find first release concerts in the Calendar and get a first listen on WDR on June 15th!

Again, the summer Jazz series InSpirit at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche in Berlin will happen in July and August, every Thursday from 9-10 pm, starting on July 7th – plus an InSpirit afternoon for young children on August 28th! Find more information here.

Spring 2022

New Video
A short video with excerpts from the performance of LYSSNA at Berlin’s Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche is ready!

upcoming performances



Birgitta Flick & Antje Rößeler

Hannover, Tonhalle

Fall 2018

CD Release Color Studies by Birgitta Flick Quartet on October 5th! Thanks to the Initiative Musik gGmbH for the support!

New video announcing the CD:

Spring 2018

Concert Tours 
Musical collaborations in Saudi-Arabia with musicians of the Birgitta Flick Quartet from Berlin and musicians from Riyadh // Concerts with Carol Liebowitz/Andy/Fite/Eva Lindal/Anna Lindal in Stockholm, Göteborg & Berlin
Live Video from Brötz with Eva Lindal/Carol Liebowitz
Glimpse from the concert at King Fahad Cultural Centre Riyadh

New CDs in production
A new Birgitta Flick Quartet CD and a duo CD with pianist and singer Carol Liebowitz from New York will be released in the summer and in the fall. More information to follow!
Here you can listen to both bands:
Birgitta Flick Quartet
Carol Liebowitz/Birgitta Flick Duo